KOLON SPORT|把自然搬进都市生活

店铺陈列设计 / Retail Space Design
客户 / Client
地点 / Location
项目时间 / Date
项目介绍 / Abstract
KOLON SPORT,韩国高端品质户外品牌。从1973年创建以来,可隆不断为探索和热爱自然的人们提供亲近自然的最佳方式。我们的设计师深入了解可隆品牌内涵与历史,为其DNA橱窗带来全新创意设计。
KOLON SPORT, a premium outdoor brand from South Korea. Since its establishment in 1973, KOLON has been continuously providing the best way for people who explore and love nature to get close to it. Our designers have a deep understanding of the essence and history of the KOLON brand, bringing new creative designs to its DNA showcase.
设计服务 / Roles
创意概念 / Creative Concept
体验设计 / Experience Design
空间设计 / Spatial Design
装置工程 / Installation Engineering
生产制作 / Prototype & Production


设计说明/ Design description

翻山越岭的徒步登山者们,在 KOLON SPORT 的长久陪伴下,将足迹遍布世界屋脊和南北极。透过山野对人们产生吸引与召唤,用登山杖勾勒出山峦的轮廓,以登山绳串联起无数个关于 HIKING 的故事。具象化场景呈现,在 DNA 橱窗里置放人们对自然生活的美好想象。

With the long-term company of KOLON SPORT, the hikers who climb over mountains and mountains will cover the Roof of the World and the South Arctic. Attracting and calling people through the mountains, Trekking pole are used to draw the outline of the mountains, and countless stories about HIKING are connected by climbing ropes. Visualize the scene and place people's beautiful imagination of natural life in the DNA showcase.


设计效果/ Design effect

为突出可隆品牌的户外功能性和美学设计,整体设计从产品本身的特点出发,将 100% NYLON 面料和 HERACLACE 鞋带作为设计要素,结合 LED 程序灯光和内嵌式吹风效果,打造出 KOLON SPORT 独特的山之形。让每个人都能从可隆专属 DNA 橱窗中,勾连起自我与户外生活的联系。通过正负形的山的巧妙组合,艺术化地表达品牌理念和价值,倡导人们探索户外、回归自然。

To highlight the outdoor functionality and aesthetic design of the KOLON brand, the overall design starts from the characteristics of the product itself, using 100% NYLON fabric and HERACLACE shoelaces as design elements, combined with LED program lighting and embedded blowing effects, to create the unique mountain shape of KOLON SPORT.

Everyone can connect themselves with outdoor life through the exclusive DNA showcase of KOLON. Through the clever combination of positive and negative mountains, the brand concept and value are artistically expressed, advocating for people to explore the outdoors and return to nature.