DESCENTE | 冬日里的硬核热能

店铺陈列设计 / Retail Space Design
客户 / Client
地点 / Location
项目时间 / Date
项目介绍 / Abstract
初冬已至,飞雪登场,聚焦 DESCENTE 品牌主推产品 SKY 双板滑雪服系列,我们的设计师着眼于 SKY 立体剪裁设计特色,以简约美学衬托出产品本身的设计感与科技感。
The early winter has arrived, and snowflakes are fluttering. Focusing on the DESCENTE brand's main product SKY snowboarding suit series, our designer focus on SKY's three-dimensional cutting design features, highlighting the design and technological sense of the product itself with a minimalist aesthetic.
设计服务 / Roles
创意概念 / Creative Concept
体验设计 / Experience Design
空间设计 / Spatial Design
装置工程 / Installation Engineering
生产制作 / Prototype & Production






当冰霜被风吹成飞扬形态,暖色渐变风洞中,专业滑雪者极速滑过。在流线型雪山环境中,借以冷暖色的对比,尽显 SKY 产品的锁温科技,赋予滑雪者强有力的御寒控温体验。

When the ice and frost are blown into a flying form by the wind, professional skiers glide past at great speed in a warm gradient wind tunnel. In a streamlined snowy mountain environment, the contrast between cold and warm colors showcases the temperature locking technology of SKY products, providing skiers with a strong experience of cold resistance and temperature control.