KOLON SPORT|装进都市空间里的秋天

店铺陈列设计 / Retail Space Design
客户 / Client
kolon sport
地点 / Location
上海 | 上生新所
项目时间 / Date
项目介绍 / Abstract
将秋日旅行的风景收揽进都市,为KOLON SPORT焕新品牌空间。本次项目皆由我们的设计团队创意打造,给消费者呈现关于自然美学的视觉享受。
Bringing the landscapes of autumn travels into the urban environment, we aim to rejuvenate the brand space of KOLON SPORT. This project is creatively crafted by our design team, presenting consumers with a visual enjoyment that embodies the beauty of nature.
设计服务 / Roles
创意概念 / Creative Concept
体验设计 / Experience Design
空间设计 / Spatial Design
装置工程 / Installation Engineering
生产制作 / Prototype & Production

山风琴音 让羽绒飘起来

由多个羽绒填充的圆柱体组合成管风琴造型,以海拔高度和羽绒量作管上的刻度,巧妙的设计结构展现出KOLON SPORT的夹克羽绒所涵盖的创新点,及其适配于中高海拔徒步的功能场景。加之互动装置,使管中羽绒间隔飘起,如同琴音在空中律动。

Multiple cylindrical shapes filled with down feathers are combined to form an accordion-like structure, with altitude and down quantity serving as scales on the tubes. This cleverly designed structure showcases the innovative features of KOLON SPORT's jacket down, highlighting its suitability for hiking in mid-to-high altitudes. Additionally, an interactive device causes the intervals of down feathers within the tubes to float, creating a mesmerizing visual effect akin to the harmonious movement of accordion keys in the air.



Our designers have utilized lighting tubes and alpenstocks to create a mountain-shaped structure that resonates with the mountainous visual effect presented by the organ-like structure from an aerial view. Through artistic scene expression, this design narrates the beauty of exploration and showcases the functional characteristics and usage scenarios of our brand's products to consumers.



Extending the DNA showcase design, our designers have adjusted the rounded layout based on the needs of the store. By outlining the shape of mountains with alpenstocks and climbing ropes, they authenticate the brand's exploration of nature and continue its outdoor functionality and aesthetic design, enhancing the experiential effect of the store space.




Our designers have taken inspiration from the special "stitching pocket" design of our branded joint products and extracted its innovative material and style to establish a connection between the pocket and outdoor camping, natural scenery, and more. By magnifying the design of the pocket, we aim to convey the message of protecting nature through the fusion of elements and utilize the pocket to collect autumn leaves, expressing romantic and poetic sentiments of waiting for nature's rebirth, thereby evoking a deep and intimate connection between people and nature.

Our production team utilizes 3D printing technology to create a tree that emerges from the pocket, symbolizing the connection between our brand products and nature through design details. By incorporating structural elements, interplay of light and shadow, and other visual effects, we aim to evoke a delightful ambiance of exploring the outdoor wonders of nature.